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CRIAD & AFAB Empowering School Children In Africa By Providing School Supplies

24/10/22, 10:45

Millions of children in schools in Africa do not have adequate school supplies

Afri-AID Across Borders takes priority on distribution of educational materials to Africa students and out of schools pupils and it is a project of a nonprofit organization. The project was formed out of a vision to help decrease the barriers that African children and youth face in obtaining necessary education and educational materials.  We collect and distribute teaching and school supplies to schools in Africa. We have shall start supplies to the following countries Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Kenya, Liberia, Niger, Senegal, Gambia, Uganda, and Tanzania between 2022-2025.

They lack the basic school supplies because their families live below the bread line.  Their parents do not have adequate resources to take care of them and cover all school related costs etc.  This is the stark reality.  As you would imagine, in such a situation, when the parents have to decide between putting food on the table and buying school books or school supplies, the more pressing need of food/survival rightly wins over.

The sad consequence of this is that the children go to school with inadequate or no supplies.  Some of them are not able to perform simple tasks like read or study from a textbook, take notes with a pencil or write in their notebooks.  Even the best teacher will be hindered if the children and the classroom do not have the needed supplies or resources. 

The education that children will receive in such an environment will be grossly inadequate and a far cry from being empowering and enabling.  Better supplies and a supportive environment will result in a higher quality education.

The initiative lead by AFAB Head of educational and Team, the beneficiaries so far have gratefully acknowledge the contributions in cash and donations of actual supplies by many, many individuals and organizations / businesses are joining the initiative. Without you all this would not be possible.

We gratefully welcome the donations of supplies all year.

You can help by sending us your supplies and running a school supplies drive

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